Littleton Location

Fresh Sod Daily for Pickup

Our Colorado Blue™ Sod is stocked daily for pickup at our Littleton location, 13159 N. US Highway 85, Littleton, CO 80125, and we do all the loading. From one piece of sod to several pallets, we sell any amount of sod to all customers. We harvest sod daily around the clock to ensure you get fresh-cut sod. We store our sod in climate-controlled shade houses to keep it cool and fresh. Feel free to call us at (303) 798-6764 and check our inventory before coming. Drop by our Littleton location to see our sods side by side.

Landscape Products

We offer a wide range of landscape products and supplies at our Littleton location. We sell our Green Valley Turf lawn fertilizers, specialty lawn seed, bagged compost, and soil. Also, we sell bulk compost, planters mix, screened topsoil, and landscaping mulches by the cubic yard. We offer quality weed control products, roll-top steel edging, landscape fabric, sod staples, wooden sod stakes, and more.

Special Order Sods

Our RTF® Water Saver® Sod, SPF30 Texas Hybrid Sod, and Legacy® Buffalograss Sod are special order items. All special orders are prepaid. Allow 24 to 48 hours to order RTF® and SPF30 and 3 to 5 days when ordering Legacy®. We harvest RTF® Water Saver®, and SPF30 Texas Hybrid year-round. Legacy® Buffalograss is available from late June to mid-September. Contact us for more information.

Slabs of sod weigh less that sod rolls and are easier to install.

Two Locations

Littleton Location 

13159 US-85

Littleton, CO 80125
P: (303) 798-6764
P: (720) 571-7477
Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday – Sunday: Closed

Platteville Location

17730 Hwy 60
Platteville, CO 80651
P: (970) 785-2425
P: (970) 598-0924
Monday – Friday: 8:00am – 3:00pm
Saturday – Sunday: Closed


Company Directory

Joe Wilkins III, President
Ted Whitenight, Customer Service, AP, AR
Bruce Scott, Installations, Golf, Sports, Bids
Lupita Stone, Sales, Deliveries, se habla Espanol
Joe Wilkins IV, Sales, Deliveries, Installations
Maria Castorena, Platteville Sales

Since 1962

For Over 60 Years, Serving the Denver Metro Area and Colorado