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SPF30 Texas Hybrid Sod

SPF30 is a hybridized bluegrass that combines the turf quality characteristics of Kentucky bluegrass and the drought tolerance of Texas bluegrass.

Drought stress and high heat

SPF30 sod is a hybridized bluegrass that combines the turf quality characteristics of Kentucky bluegrass and the drought tolerance of Texas bluegrass. The strong spreading rhizomatous nature of this grass provides accelerated recovery from extreme heat and drought situations. Rhizomes originate from the crown of the plant, the central growing point, and spread laterally underground. From rhizomes, new plants are produced that fill in bare spots and form a thick knitted sod. SPF30 is also characterized by an extensive root system that performs better in high heat than traditional Kentucky bluegrass. Similar to Kentucky bluegrass, SPF30 will enter dormancy during extended periods of drought.

Full sun to moderate shade

Growing traits of SPF30 include a fine leaf texture characterized by a pleasant deep green color. SPF30 grows well in a wide range of soil types.  The heat and cold tolerance is also excellent.  Adaptable to a wide range of climatic regions, Thermal Blue performs well from northern climates to the southern transitional zone.  From full sun to moderate shade, SPF30 is a uniquely adaptable grass that produces high quality turf. 

Lower maintenance sod

Maintenance of SPF30 is similar to Kentucky bluegrass. Fertilizer applied at 3 to 4 lbs. of nitrogen per year will produce a high quality lawn. At reduced fertility, SPF30 maintains acceptable turf quality. Fertilization should be applied primarily in the spring and fall to encourage extensive root growth in preparation for summer stress periods.