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Smart Irrigation

MP rotator sprinkler nozzles are 30% increased efficiency over sprays nozzles.

Check you lawn sprinkler this July

July is Smart Irrigation Month. One of the key parts of saving water is to have a water efficient sprinkler system. To celebrate Smart Irrigation Month, we switched out our spray head nozzles for MP Rotators. MP Rotators are a type of sprinkler head nozzles that lowers the application rate of the water. Putting water on the ground slowly and evenly allows the water to soak into the ground.

Traditional spray heads tend to soak the lawn with a higher volume of water in a shorter period of time, spreading the water unevenly and creating dry spots in some sections of your lawn while overwatering others. Additionally, since the water is applied quickly, it doesn’t have adequate time to soak in. This can cause flooding in the lawn and run off onto the pavement. By switching away from spray head nozzles, these problems can be avoided and you can water up to 30% more efficiently. MP Rotators also use larger water droplets that are less affected by wind, wasting less water.

Water smart and save water

Simple sprinkler maintenance is another way to save water. It’s important to watch your sprinkler system run periodically to check that water is being distributed effectively. Check your yard for dry spots where your sprinklers may not be reaching, as well as signs of too much water, such as moss or mushrooms. Water smart! Adjusting your sprinkler schedule for rain and other weather conditions is a simple way to avoid overwatering.

So this July as temperatures soar, make sure to take some time to check up on your sprinkler system. Your lawn, your water bill, and the environment will thank you.