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March is the best time to apply preemergence herbicide for crabgrass and broadleaf weeds.

March is the time

March is the time to apply preemergence if crabgrass or weeds were a problem in your yard last season. Use a preemergence herbicide or “Crabgrass Preventer” now before weeds and grassy weeds start germinating. Temperatures are very warm this March and lawns are greening up. This means weeds and grassy weeds will be showing up soon.

How it works.

Crabgrass preventers stop most weed and grassy weed seeds from germinating. These products keep all the unwanted seeds that end up in your yard from sprouting. Most of these products last 6 to 8 weeks, so a second application is recommended in May, especially if your yard has a history of various weed problems. After you apply this granular product with a fertilizer spreader, water it in to your yard within a day. If you have not turned on your sprinkler system, use a hose and water in by hand or apply before we get some precipitation. A quick application of Crabgrass control will cut down on spring lawn care and let you enjoy your lawn this spring!

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Lawn Geese

Canadian Geese in the Denver cause problems in turf and love to eat bluegrass lawns..

Canadian geese can damage your lawn.

Canadian Geese in the Denver area love to feed on turf grass lawns and can create quite a mess. If left unattended, geese can do some serious damage due to over grazing and smothering your lawn with goose droppings. If Geese have moved into you yard, try to break their habits and keep them off the yard when it is wet. This is when the most physical damage will occur. If goose droppings become thick enough to smother the lawn, simply remove the droppings with a rake or a leaf blower. Canadian Geese on your lawn is only a serious problem if they graze the turf down to the dirt and harm the base or crown of the grass plant. So enjoy the new company unless they really start making a mess.