Sod install

What Types of Seeds Are Used for Sod?​

Since the purpose of sod for golf courses and sports stadiums is to establish a beautiful lawn, the seed varieties used for sod grasses are critical to ensuring the continued growth of robust, quality grass. What kind of seed is used by professional grass growers? And what specifically makes these seeds recommended for golf turf?

Seed Types for Sod Applications

Fine Fescue

Fine Fescue not only beautifies outlying areas of a sports or golf course but is also low maintenance, shade-tolerant, and maintains a lush color during heat waves or cold snaps. Choose fescues when you want an attractive contrast of leaf blade shades between landscaped areas of golf courses.


A favorite type of grass used in many Colorado golf venues and stadiums, Bermuda grass sod can withstand hot, dry, or cool weather. Bermuda seed is a favorite turfgrass because of its resiliency, aggressive growth characteristics, and ability to tolerate excessive wear and tear. Bermuda grass makes a great turf for all athletic or professional sports fields. Plus, Bermuda sod is also a popular turf for commercial or residential landscapes.

Kentucky Bluegrass

Considered one of the most versatile species of turf seed, KY Bluegrass is a leading choice among golf course owners and sports field managers wanting lush, low-maintenance lawns. A turf with high traffic tolerance, rapid spreading ability, and cool weather hardiness, this is the perfect turf sod for busy Littleton playgrounds and public parks.

Zoysia Sod

Zoysia grass is indigenous to Asia but has been a favorite of golf and sports fields for decades. A perennial, low-maintenance grass seed that presents a soft, green carpet of turfgrass when fully mature, Zoysia sprouts exceptionally well in humid, warm climates. It’s also recommended for athletic fields and golf courses experiencing heavy traffic during seasonal play. Zoysia is self-sustaining and recovers quickly under duress.

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