Premium Lawn Mix seed

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80/20 Blue/Rye Dark green & medium-fine textured. Excellent stress, disease resistant and winter hardy.




A top performer, this premium mix of Kentucky bluegrasses and Turf-Type Perennial Ryegrass establishes quickly and develops into a thick, beautiful lawn in one growing season. Excellent for starting new lawns or revitalizing existing ones. Ideal for moderate to high traffic areas. Very winter hardy and establishes quickly and permanently.

Light/Soil Requirements: Performs best in full sun or limited shade. Performs well on many soil types.


80% Premium Kentucky Bluegrass
20% Turf-Type perennial Rye grass


Seeding Rate
Seed Rate: 3 to 4 lbs per 1,000 square feet
Overseeding Rate:  1 to 2 lbs per 1,000 sq ft


Establishment Rate:
Germinates in 10-21 days under ideal conditions
Fully establishes in one growing season


New Lawn Seedings
3 pound bag covers 1,200 square feet
5 pound bag covers 2,000 square feet
25 pound bag covers  10,000 square feet
50 pound bag covers  20,000 square feet
Overseeding Existing Turf
3 pound bag covers 3,000 square feet
5 pound bag covers 5,000 square feet
25 pound bag covers 25,000 square feet
50 pound bag covers 50,000 square feet


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